Will Ghana’s new e-levy help the economy recover from the pandemic? Richard Aidoo - August 9, 2022 Ghana isn’t the only country to try to tax mobile money transactions
The U.S. killed al-Qaeda’s leader. That might boost terrorism. Jenna Jordan - August 9, 2022 ‘Leadership decapitation’ can inspire Islamist extremist groups and followers to carry out more attacks, my research finds
50 years ago, Uganda ordered its entire Asian population to leave Meghan Garrity - August 4, 2022 A new data set explores mass expulsions around the world
Many Ethiopians see illegal migration as the only escape from violence Lauren Carruth and Lahra Smith - July 18, 2022 Governments and asylum systems offer women few protections, our research finds
‘Islamic State in Africa’ explores nine militant Islamist groups Daniel Eizenga - July 14, 2022 This book takes a comprehensive look at the rise of Islamic State affiliates operating on the continent
‘Born in Blackness’ is a compelling, unforgettable read Laura Seay - June 9, 2022 In the first book in this year’s African Politics Summer Reading Spectacular, journalist Howard French shows how European explorers’ curiosity about a wealthy African king shaped the modern world
Announcing the ninth African Politics Summer Reading Spectacular! Laura Seay and Kim Yi Dionne - June 2, 2022 Join us in reading some of the latest books on African politics
How the U.S. census ignores Afro-Latinos Michelle Bueno Vásquez - June 2, 2022 Afro-Latinos are the most vulnerable to discrimination, but their official invisibility makes them harder to serve
How the Ukraine crisis could make the Syrian civil war worse Tiina Hyyppä and Aaron Pilkington - May 23, 2022 Shifting Russian troops away from Syria risks opening up new threats
Can Africa ‘leapfrog’ the traditional electricity model? Kangwook Han and Carolyn Logan - April 21, 2022 Slow progress on national power grids leaves many households looking to off-grid sources