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The New York Times is creating a new data-driven journalism venture

- November 21, 2013

(Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty)
The New Republic has this story:

[David] Leonhardt will take over a new Times website located “at the nexus of data and news [that] will produce clear analytical reporting and writing on opinion polls, economic indicators, politics, policy, education, and sports”

Initial contributors will include Nate Cohn, Justin Wolfers, Amanda Cox and Michael Beschloss. We’re happy at The Monkey Cage to see this get off the ground. Political and policy journalism is going through a quiet transformation, which surely isn’t eliminating traditional forms of journalism but is supplementing them with new kinds of analysis based on new kinds of data. This is also creating a new common ground between social science (which is being pulled into public debate) and journalism (which is drawing on the kinds of inference and evidence that social scientists have traditionally employed). All to the good.