Just wanted to note a quick and surely incomplete census of scholars providing some heft to “scandal” coverage that badly needs it over the weekend.
- While we have been told with increasing breathlessness that the Obama administration’s scandals are “worse than Watergate,” a story in this weekend’s Washington Post, by Matthew Dallek, points out the problems with the Nixon analogy (which, as I pointed out a long while back, would have to ramp up rather dramatically to be close to true. Though I do hope there are White House tapes.)
- Another Washington Post piece noted the oddly dichotomous simultaneous critiques of the president — at once he is tyrannical and disengaged. Will Howell makes a cameo here and gets a nice book plug too.
- And, this a.m. NPR’s “Morning Edition” hits the trifecta: quotes fr0m Brendan Nyhan and Donna Hoffman on the purported “second term curse,” while another featured Frances Lee on “why Congress has reasons not to be bipartisan despite various rose-colored pipe dreams about the post-World War II ‘consensus.'”
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