Political parties and economic growth: more from Campbell, Bartels, Hibbs, and Gelman Andrew Gelman - December 12, 2011 A few months ago, we reported that Jim Campbell argues
Polly the parrot is back for forecasting the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election Andrew Gelman - July 26, 2011 Andreas Graefe writes: After her great success in 2004 and
Jim Campbell argues that Larry Bartels’s “Unequal Democracy” findings are not robust Andrew Gelman - April 13, 2011 A few years ago Larry Bartels presented this graph, a
Forecasting in reverse: Can we use election returns to learn about economic history? Andrew Gelman - January 27, 2010 We all know, following the research of Rosenstone, Hibbs, Erikson,
Does Public Broadcasting Promote Voter Turnout? John Sides - April 15, 2009 bq. First, campaign finance systems that allow more money (and