How do North and South Americans view the U.S.? Dinorah Azpuru - June 2, 2022 Leaders are gathering for the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles
The Philippines elected a dictator’s son. Why are dynasties popular? James Loxton - May 26, 2022 Ties to a former dictatorship are quite common in new democracies, this research explains
There are two ways to kick Russia out of the world trade system. One is more likely to work. Timothy Meyer and Todd N. Tucker - March 11, 2022 Would WTO members change the rules?
International politics is making it harder to make a coronavirus vaccine Henry Farrell - April 15, 2020 But a network of scientists is helping
Would Republican senators ever vote to convict Trump? Here’s what we can learn from the rest of the world. David Samuels - November 26, 2019 Sure, parties dump their prime ministers — but they rarely throw out ‘their’ presidents. Here’s why.
Why did Zelensky want a White House visit? Here’s what it signals at home. Matt Malis - November 21, 2019 U.S. presidents also have a lot to gain from these face-to-face meetings.
No, the Trump impeachment inquiry is not a coup Joseph Wright, John Chin, and David Carter - October 15, 2019 There were four coups attempted in 2019. Trump supported one of them.
Here’s what Erick Erickson gets wrong about dictators and migration Kathryn Sikkink - December 5, 2018 [caption id="attachment_81107" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Undocumented Venezuelans are held in a
The Malaysian election results were a surprise. Here are 4 things to know. Sebastian Dettman - May 15, 2018 [caption id="attachment_73348" align="aligncenter" width="960"] At a convenience shop in Kuala
It’s not just Venezuela. Elected governments don’t necessarily defend democracy or protect human rights. Jimena Galindo and Christopher Sabatini - August 11, 2017 On Aug. 8, 12 countries in Latin America raised their