Biden says bring back the ‘talking filibuster.’ Would that really let Senate Democrats pass bills? Sarah Binder - March 17, 2021 The details are devilish
Why are Republicans silent about the Ukraine whistleblower scandal? This one chart explains. Michael Tesler - September 24, 2019 Comparing the political fortunes of Lindsey Graham and Jeff Flake tells you a lot.
Is the media biased toward Clinton or Trump? Here is some actual hard data. John Sides - September 20, 2016 There are endless disputes this year about how the media
We live in a two party duopoly. Here’s how Bloomberg or Webb might break it. Morris Fiorina - January 31, 2016 [caption id="attachment_35061" align="aligncenter" width="908"] Former New York City mayor Michael
Are Republicans really driving congressional polarization? Maybe not. L.J. Zigerell - September 11, 2014 The notion of "asymmetric polarization" is commonplace in political discourse
How we count Senate filibusters and why it matters Sarah Binder - May 15, 2014 [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="606" special=""] Credit: Alex Wong (Getty Images)[/caption]
Congress and the use of force in Syria - September 2, 2013 The president's decision to ask Congress's permission to use force
Statistics. Congress. Vital. And Free. John Sides - July 24, 2013 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> In case you haven't
Upcoming Roundtable on Mann and Ornstein’s It’s Even Worse Than It Looks John Sides - May 30, 2012 Monkey Cage readers in the Washington DC area may be
Polarization is Real (and Asymmetric) Nolan McCarty - May 15, 2012 This post is co-authored with Keith Poole, Howard Rosenthal, and
Just in case… Andrew Rudalevige - February 26, 2012 Norm Ornstein and others have long been concerned about the
Fixing Congress: suggestions by Rep. Jim Cooper and others Andrew Gelman - May 13, 2011 Jim Cooper, Democrat of Tennessee, wrote an article for the
Hoisted from Comments: Norm Ornstein on Citizens United John Sides - December 17, 2010 From the "comments": on my "previous post":, here is Norm
Roundtables on Congress at APSA - September 1, 2010 Loyal (and not so loyal) readers of the Monkey Cage
Late Night Political Scientists Erik Voeten - January 7, 2010 James Fowler is scheduled to appear on the Colbert Report
Filibustering and Deliberation: the Case for Free and Full Debate Gregory Koger - October 16, 2009 As the Monkey Cage faithful know, I have been posting
The Fundamentals of Filibustering Gregory Koger - August 19, 2009 1) Definition If we want to understand filibusters, it helps
Political Scientists in The Arena John Sides - April 6, 2009 As an only occasional reader of Politico, I am late
Often in error, but never in doubt — The (in)accuracy of pundits’ poliical predictions - March 9, 2008 Political scientists tend to be lousy political prognosticators. We speak