Why the 2024 presidential election wasn’t about local politics John Sides - December 12, 2024 Voters may not blame the president when bad things happen in their communities.
Americans don’t trust the Supreme Court. That’s dangerous. Soren Jordan, Kathryn Haglin, Joseph Daniel Ura, and Alison Merrill - October 9, 2022 Unless the court wins back support, it could have a legitimacy crisis that endangers democracy
Thanks to Trump’s rhetoric, Asian Americans are moving toward the Democratic Party Vivien Leung, Nathan Chan, and Jae Yeon Kim - March 30, 2021 As Asian Americans grow as a slice of the electorate, they could affect politics at every level of government
The Supreme Court said LGBT discrimination in the workplace should be illegal. Roughly 70% of Republicans agree. Stephen Jessee, Neil Malhotra, and Maya Sen - June 16, 2020 Republican-appointed justices are more conservative on LGBT discrimination than ordinary Republicans.
The House moved quickly on a covid-19 response bill. These 4 takeaways explain what’s likely to happen next. Sarah Binder - March 14, 2020 Here’s why the legislative road ahead will be rockier.
Why isn’t the U.S. ready for a pandemic? For politicians, investing in prevention doesn’t pay off. Neil Malhotra - March 12, 2020 Disaster spending helps get you reelected. Preventing disaster doesn’t.
Republicans are courting Asian American voters. Telling the ‘Squad’ to go home is a terrible start. Neil Malhotra, Cecilia Mo, and Alexander Kuo - July 18, 2019 Our research suggests that racially exclusionary language makes Asian Americans more likely to identify with Democrats
What’s behind the desire for ‘skilled’ immigrants? Racial prejudice. Neil Malhotra and Benjamin Newman - May 21, 2019 New research shows that the preference for “skills” conceals bias against Latinos.
America’s tech entrepreneurs are Democrats not libertarians, but they may be changing the Democratic Party Neil Malhotra and David Broockman - September 22, 2017 [caption id="attachment_63844" align="aligncenter" width="960"] A logo sign at the headquarters
Do U.S. voters prefer optimistic politicians? Here’s what we found. Yotam Margalit and Neil Malhotra - August 1, 2016 [caption id="attachment_44751" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton reacts as