Do Ukrainians want a ceasefire? Karina V. Korostelina and Gerard Toal - August 30, 2022 A new survey reveals how people on the front lines process the tradeoffs of war
Do people in Donbas want to be ‘liberated’ by Russia? John O’Loughlin, Gerard Toal, and Gwendolyn Sasse - April 14, 2022 We surveyed people in Ukraine’s contested eastern region to see what they wanted. Here’s what we found.
Will Russia recognize the independence of two eastern Ukraine republics? Here’s what people there think. John O’Loughlin, Gerard Toal, and Gwendolyn Sasse - February 17, 2022 Those who live in the Donbas region care more about bread-and-butter issues, our latest surveys reveal
Ukrainians in our survey weren’t enthusiastic about NATO exercises close to Russia Gerard Toal and John O’Loughlin - January 19, 2022 The Kremlin’s defense strategy depends on keeping a buffer between the Russian heartland and Europe.
A new survey of the Ukraine-Russia conflict finds deeply divided views in the contested Donbas region Kristin Bakke, John O’Loughlin, Gerard Toal, and Gwendolyn Sasse - February 11, 2021 Many in the breakaway territory see a future with Russia
Flight MH17 crashed six years ago. Ukrainians have very different views on who’s to blame. Kristin Bakke, John O’Loughlin, and Gerard Toal - July 16, 2020 Russian misinformation may be drowning out factual evidence
Ukraine’s citizens worry about covid-19. And they still have to worry about the war. Volodymyr Kulyk, Olga Onuch, Henry E. Hale, and Gwendolyn Sasse - May 22, 2020 Our survey suggests that conflict makes it politically difficult for countries to concentrate on the pandemic.
Is Ukraine caught between Europe and Russia? We asked Ukrainians this important question. Kristin Bakke, John O’Loughlin, and Gerard Toal - February 25, 2020 Our new survey shows a divided nation
How Ukraine’s new president broke down a historic divide Miroslav Shapovalov and Konstantin Ash - April 30, 2019 For 20 years, Ukrainians voted largely by region. Not when comedian Volodymyr Zelensky ran.
What people in southeast Ukraine really think of Novorossiya John O’Loughlin and Gerard Toal - May 25, 2015 [caption id="attachment_25298" align="aligncenter" width="600"] A map of the historical region
Answering remaining questions about Ukraine’s Maidan protests, one year later Leonid Peisakhin - February 25, 2015 [caption id="attachment_21737" align="alignnone" width="620"] A man kneels before an Orthodox
Answering remaining questions about Ukraine's Maidan protests, one year later Joshua Tucker - February 25, 2015 [caption id="attachment_21737" align="alignnone" width="620"] A man kneels before an Orthodox
The West should not count on Russian sensitivity to casualties to deter Putin Simon Saradzhyan - February 24, 2015 [caption id="attachment_21678" align="alignnone" width="620"] Russia-backed separatists carry the coffin of a comrade
How popular are Putin and Obama in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine? John O’Loughlin and Gerard Toal - January 22, 2015 It is well known that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions
What do citizens of Ukraine actually think about secession? Ivan Katchanovski - July 20, 2014 [caption id="attachment_13232" align="alignnone" width="620"] Pro-Russian separatists stand guard at the
Location, location, location: Measuring public opinion in Ukraine’s regions Ralph Clem - May 22, 2014 The following is a guest post from Ralph S. Clem,
What would make Southeast Ukrainians take up arms? Joshua Tucker - April 23, 2014 As the potential for Russian military intervention in Southeastern Ukraine
Ukraine-Russia: A battle of futures Maria Snegovaya and Akos Lada - April 15, 2014 [caption id="attachment_9448" align="aligncenter" width="876" special=""] AP Photo/ Sergei Poliakov[/caption] Why
Why domestic developments in Ukraine still matter Joshua Tucker - March 5, 2014 [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="606" special="POOL PHOTO"] Secretary of State John
More on Bilingual Polling Joshua Tucker - November 5, 2010 In response to my "request yesterday": for more information on