The New York Times reports:
bq. In an opinion issued on Monday , a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit rejected the claims in a lawsuit challenging a ban on the game Dungeons & Dragons by the Waupun Correctional Institution in Wisconsin.
It gets better:
bq. Prison officials said they had banned the game at the recommendation of the prison’s specialist on gangs, who said it could lead to gang behavior and fantasies about escape.
And even better in comments at the Volokh Conspiracy:
bq. If more inmates were über-nerdy D&D players, life would be good.
My adolescence had its share of nerdiness — eighth-grade math team, anyone? — but I always take heart that I have never, not once, held a twelve-sided die. Can Henry Farrell make this claim? I think not.
[Hat tip to D&D enthusiast Danny Hayes.]