What follows is the exact text of a “letter”:http://gov.ca.gov/pdf/press/2009bills/AB1176_Ammiano_Veto_Message.pdf that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger used to accompany a veto of California State Assembly Bill 1176:
Seems innocent enough. But now read down the first letter of each full line of the main two paragraphs, and apparently you get Schwarzenegger’s real message! Here’s the “actual letter”:http://gov.ca.gov/pdf/press/2009bills/AB1176_Ammiano_Veto_Message.pdf.
I’m relatively sure this is not an internet hoax; the “Wall Street Journal”:http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2009/10/27/schwarzeneggers-veto-message-delivers-another-message/ has the story up on its Washington Wire blog, and the letter can in fact be downloaded from gov.ca.gov, which, from my two seconds of checking this out, does appear to be the website of the governor of California.
[Hat Tip to “Rob Zwiebach”:http://www.jigsaw.com/scid3078630/rob_zwiebach.xhtml]