Biden’s marijuana policy may change attitudes toward immigrants Melissa R. Michelson and Joe R. Tafoya - December 1, 2022 As states decriminalize cannabis, Republicans soften toward immigrants, our research finds
What might happen if Democrats succeed in expanding voting? California has some answers. Sara Sadhwani - March 16, 2021 In California, reforms like those in H.R. 1 led to a more involved electorate, higher turnout and more legislators of color being elected to office.
Whether it’s from the Oscars or ‘The Apprentice,’ celebrity candidates get a boost. Here’s how we know. Lauren Wright - February 13, 2020 It’s more than putting a face to the name
What ‘The West Wing’ tells us about the West Wing Paul Musgrave and Furman Daniel, III - January 22, 2018 How do politics affect popular culture? A well-received speech by
Justice Roberts said political science is ‘sociological gobbledygook.’ Here’s why he said it, and why he’s mistaken. Philip Rocco - October 4, 2017 [caption id="attachment_64491" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called
Can California’s New Primary Reduce Polarization? Maybe Not. John Sides - March 27, 2013 This is a guest post from Doug Ahler, Jack Citrin,
Harsh Prison Conditions Do Not Reduce Recidivism Erik Voeten - May 24, 2011 Apropos of yesterday's Supreme Court decision, Yale's Keith Chen and
Should We Take Trump Seriously? Joshua Tucker - April 18, 2011 Now that you've "finished with your taxes": and have some
Changing Minds vs. Changing Voters John Sides - July 22, 2010 A notion you hear a lot these days is that
Candidate Occupations as Decision Rules John Sides - April 26, 2010 bq. If '00 CA SEN nominee/ex-Rep. Tom Campbell edges out