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A New Conflict Data Source

- January 17, 2013

From an announcement from Jacob Shapiro and Joe Felter:

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Empirical Studies of Conflict Project (ESOC) website, which can be accessed at http://esoc.princeton.edu/ .

ESOC identifies, compiles, and analyzes micro-level conflict data and information on insurgency, civil war, and other sources of politically motivated violence worldwide. ESOC was established in 2008 by practitioners and scholars concerned by the significant barriers and upfront costs that challenge efforts to conduct careful sub-national research on conflict. The ESOC website is designed to help overcome these obstacles and to empower the quality of research needed to inform better policy and enhance security and good governance around the world.

The ESOC team includes about forty researchers (current and former) and is led by six members: Eli Berman, James D. Fearon, Joseph H. Felter, David D. Laitin, Jacob N. Shapiro, and Jeremy M. Weinstein.

The website contains data on six countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Colombia. Take a look at the data and related publications. They are providing quite a public good.