Congress might require women to register for the draft. Where do Republicans and Democrats stand? Robert Ralston and Jennifer Spindel - November 14, 2021 The parties are deeply divided among themselves, aligning in unusual ways.
If you want to know what Americans think about bombing Iran, find out what they think about race Vladimir Medenica and David Ebner - March 10, 2021 That matters — because when political leaders shape foreign policy, they keep public opinion in mind.
Are Black Lives Matter protesters peaceful or violent? Depends on whom you ask. Yuan Hsiao and Scott Radnitz - August 23, 2020 Committed nonviolent leader Martin Luther King Jr. was seen as dangerous and radical in his day
Was slavery a ‘necessary evil’? Here’s what John Stuart Mill would say. David Lay Williams - July 30, 2020 Mill’s lesson: The winners in unjust systems always want the oppressed to assume their fate was inevitable.
Here’s what Martin Luther King Jr. would say to Sen. Tom Cotton about American history Michael McKoy - July 29, 2020 King called for a “multiracial patriotism.” Here’s what it looks like.
The politics of D.C. statehood follow a well-worn path. Here’s why. Paul Frymer - July 6, 2020 Race also featured in past statehood debates
The Trump administration is curtailing visas for Chinese scientists. That could backfire. Caroline S. Wagner - June 26, 2020 Excluding foreign researchers and students hurts U.S. innovation — and coronavirus collaboration
Under the Insurrection Act of 1807, here’s what a U.S. president can and cannot do Steve Vladeck - June 19, 2020 Invoking this statute to deploy the U.S. military would raise constitutional questions
The white press has a history of endangering Black lives going back a century Ming Francis - June 15, 2020 In 1919, the white national press spread a false story that covered up a white massacre of African Americans in Arkansas
#NeverTrump conservatives want to shape the Republicans — and the Democrats, too Henry Farrell - June 6, 2020 In 2016, they tried to persuade Mattis to run against Trump.