After an employee’s allegations went viral, will Chinese companies adopt anti-harassment policies? Yixin Ren and Darius Longarino - September 16, 2021 Public outrage over the story may be prompting more employers to address sexual misconduct
China’s ‘wolf warrior’ diplomats like to talk tough Yaoyao Dai and Luwei Rose Luqiu - May 11, 2021 We analyzed 20 years of Chinese Foreign Ministry transcripts to track the increase in hostile language
China’s backlash against Western brands may be short-lived Kecheng Fang - April 21, 2021 Not everyone in the Chinese government wants to see H&M and other foreign companies canceled
Western nations sanctioned China. Chinese media made the most of the criticism over Xinjiang. Jamie Gruffydd-Jones - March 31, 2021 Beijing has long capitalized on foreign pressure on human rights
Nationalism in China is running high. Here’s how Beijing reins it in. Kai Quek - June 1, 2020 A new study shows Chinese citizens value the image of a peaceful China.
These 3 factors explain why the NBA and other companies struggle to push back against Chinese censorship Margaret Roberts and Jennifer Pan - October 16, 2019 But banning the NBA also poses a risk to Beijing.
What is China’s propaganda machine saying about the Hong Kong protests? Kecheng Fang - August 18, 2019 Beijing blames foreign forces for inciting ‘riots.’ Here’s why that makes sense in China.
Alex Jones was just banned from YouTube, Facebook and iTunes. Here’s how he managed to survive until now Henry Farrell - August 6, 2018 [caption id="attachment_76387" align="alignleft" width="960"] Alex Jones of Infowars speaks at
Anti-Muslim sentiment is on the rise in China. We found that the Internet fuels — and fights — this. Rose Luqiu and Fan Yang - May 12, 2017 [caption id="attachment_58219" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Children play near a cage protecting
In China, rumors are flying about David Dao’s alleged $140 million settlement from United Airlines Haifeng Huang - May 10, 2017 [caption id="attachment_58060" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Travelers check in at the United