3 books offer deep dive into Kenyan politics Laura Seay and Kim Yi Dionne - July 29, 2021 This week’s African Politics Summer Reading Spectacular examines bureaucratic wrangling, the links between land and violence, and refugee life
Korean unification now! Andrew Kydd - May 1, 2014 [caption id="attachment_9967" align="aligncenter" width="1024" special=""] NASA night image of the
Are there genes that lead men to enjoy fighting? Erik Voeten - February 4, 2014 [caption id="attachment_6178" align="aligncenter" width="300" special=""] Tommy Morrison and George Foreman
How to reduce the gender gap in one (relatively) easy step Erik Voeten - October 1, 2013 This is the second post in our gender gap symposium (see
Some Stuff I Learned at ISA Erica Chenoweth - April 8, 2013 '--This is a cross-post from Political Violence @ a Glance--