Milton Friedman’s Thermostat

Via Matthew Yglesias on Twitter, "this insight": from the _Worthwhile

The political economy of skills

"Matthew Yglesias": proposes that employers should tackle problems of skill

Blame the Sociologists

"Matthew Yglesias": quotes Maciej Ceglowski "complaining": about the concept of

The dynamics of Twitter cascades

"Matt Yglesias": writing about how the now famous protest sign

Matthew Yglesias argues that the Chinese Communist Party's commitment to

The Empty Bench

Jon Bernstein has "a nice op-ed": in the New York

Obama Should Refuse His Salary

So Obama "has proposed": a pay freeze for federal (civilian,

Netroots v. Wonkosphere

"Matthew Yglesias": complains: bq. The cute meme of the day

Unipolarity is what states make of it

"Justin Logan": and "Matt Yglesias": ask a question. American policymakers

Baracky: The Movie

Click HERE for a "Rocky"-inspired video of the Democratic campaign.

Rational irrationality

"Matt Yglesias": is bemused by a John O'Sullivan "post": saying