’House of the Dragon’ tells us to worry about more than dragons Nadiya Kostyuk and Joshua Schwartz - August 16, 2024 From AI to gender stereotypes, the show spotlights ongoing concerns in international relations.
Tonight Kamala Harris may need to prove she’s tough, to beat gender stereotypes. That affects foreign policy. Joshua Schwartz and Christopher W. Blair - October 7, 2020 Gender stereotypes push women leaders to be ‘iron ladies’ rather than peacemakers
Should the U.S. only give foreign aid to its friends? Well, define ‘friends.’ Jessica Trisko Darden - February 15, 2018 [caption id="attachment_39929" align="aligncenter" width="2366"] Flags of member nations fly outside
The Philippines just extended martial law. How far will Duterte go to stop terrorism? Jessica Trisko Darden - December 14, 2017 [caption id="attachment_67314" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte salutes soldiers
Federal disaster aid for Puerto Rico isn’t foreign aid — but Trump acts that way Jessica Trisko Darden - October 13, 2017 Puerto Rico was back in the news Thursday — this
Donald Trump’s foreign policy views are actually pretty mainstream Joshua Shifrinson - February 4, 2016 [caption id="attachment_35230" align="aligncenter" width="908"] Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks