Discharge, ‘They Declare It’: The Week In One Song Christopher Federico - June 24, 2022 SCOTUS declares a further extension of gun rights.
Happy 50th anniversary, women’s legislative caucuses! Here’s how to be even more effective. Nadia E. Brown, Christopher J. Clark, and Anna M. Mahoney - February 9, 2022 Black women legislators can point out policy blind spots others might overlook
The Navy’s fuel leak in Hawaiʻi outraged local activists. That’s happened around the globe. Michael Allen, Carla Martinez-Machain, and Andrea Malji - January 12, 2022 Military bases’ environmental harms disproportionally hurt ethnic minorities — and they have pushed back
The U.S. has an ugly history of blaming ‘foreigners’ for disease Katrina Quisumbing King and Alexandre I.R. White - March 24, 2020 That attitude can spread more quickly than a virus
The U.S. hasn’t signed the world’s foremost women’s rights treaty. Activists have gotten local versions passed instead. Heidi Haddad - March 7, 2020 These aren’t just symbolic laws. They affect women’s lives.
3 ways to look at August’s protests — and 2 charts showing all protests since January 2017 Jeremy Pressman and Erica Chenoweth - November 12, 2018 [caption id="attachment_80051" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Nia Evans of the National Women's
New data shows a sharp increase in U.S. protest activity in April Jeremy Pressman, Evan Perkoski, Erica Chenoweth, and Ches Thurber - May 22, 2017 [caption id="attachment_58645" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Thousands gather on the Mall in
After the Fukushima meltdown, Japan's nuclear restart is stalled Daniel Aldrich - August 15, 2014 [caption id="attachment_14476" align="aligncenter" width="620"] An aerial view shows Tokyo Electric
After the Fukushima meltdown, Japan’s nuclear restart is stalled Daniel Aldrich - August 15, 2014 [caption id="attachment_14476" align="aligncenter" width="620"] An aerial view shows Tokyo Electric
And the best place in the world to live is… - May 9, 2009 Vienna. That's according to Mercer's hot-off-the-presses 2009 "quality of life"