UFOs exist, and might come from beyond Earth, the U.S. said. Will that encourage conspiracy theorists? Curtis Bram - July 30, 2021 Here’s what my research found.
Biden may be getting rid of the Authorizations for the Use of Military Force. That deserves a ‘Whoa.’ Andrew Rudalevige - March 6, 2021 The possibility of addressing the legal framework for the war on terror is big news.
Arizona may go for Biden. That took 20 years of grassroots organizing. Erin Mayo-Adam - November 12, 2020 My research examines what brought together Latino, immigrant, labor and LGBTQ community organizers into a coalition that gets out votes
What happened to that ‘blue wave’? Sam Rosenfeld, Daniel Galvin, and Daniel Schlozman - November 10, 2020 Democratic Party moderates and progressives are blaming each other. Here’s what our research suggests.
Republicans’ Supreme Court gambit may backfire. Here’s how. Robinson Woodward-Burns - September 23, 2020 Democrats can play constitutional hardball, too
Would Booker and Castro be in tonight’s debate if polls counted people of color accurately? Matt Barreto - December 18, 2019 Most polls misrepresent the Democratic electorate. Here’s how that skews the results.
Trump is not the only one who calls opponents ‘animals.’ Democrats and Republicans do it to each other. James Martherus and Alexander Theodoridis - May 21, 2018 https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/trump-compares-illegal-immigrants-to-animals/2018/05/16/3442ddf2-5948-11e8-9889-07bcc1327f4b_video.html President Trump’s comments during a roundtable on California’s “sanctuary” law have
What would change public opinion on whether the Redskins’ name is offensive? Tatishe M. Nteta, Melinda Tarsi, and Elizabeth Sharrow - July 11, 2017 [caption id="attachment_60780" align="aligncenter" width="960"] (Nick Wass/AP)[/caption] Three weeks ago, the
Why would Pelosi step down? Parties don’t usually throw out congressional leaders after electoral losses. James Curry and David Karol - June 30, 2017 [caption id="attachment_60535" align="aligncenter" width="960"] House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
This is why Senate Republicans might (not) go nuclear Sarah Binder - November 14, 2016 [caption id="attachment_49494" align="aligncenter" width="960"] President-elect Donald Trump with wife Melania