Kamala isn’t Joe. She’s also not Barack, Hillary, or Shirley. Nadia E. Brown, Christopher J. Clark, Anna M. Mahoney, Periloux Peay, and Michael G. Strawbridge - July 24, 2024 And, hopefully, this isn’t 1968.
Political violence has a long, tragic history in the U.S. Andrew Rudalevige - July 14, 2024 Joe Biden said political violence in America is “unheard of.” If only.
Good to Know: Hostage taking and the rise in hostage diplomacy Danielle Gilbert - January 17, 2024 Media stories spotlight the high stakes – and the pressure to bring hostages home.
U.S. political leaders face a drumbeat of violent threats John Sides - December 21, 2023 In a new survey, experts are concerned about how this violence is eroding democracy.
Some good news from 2020: So far, very few Americans have been killed in terrorist attacks. Daniel Byman - December 21, 2020 Despite alarming headlines, domestic terror attacks left fewer Americans dead than in 2019
Armed group allegedly plotted to kidnap Michigan’s governor. Here are 5 things to know about political kidnappings. Danielle Gilbert - October 13, 2020 Mobile phones have made terrorist kidnappings more dangerous.
The movement against coronavirus lockdowns is still going — and still angry. Rachel Meade - August 6, 2020 This isn’t an astroturf movement. These populists deeply distrust elites for leaving them behind.