Do political scandals even matter any more? Brandon Rottinghaus - April 8, 2021 Increasingly, partisans back “their” candidate. For everyone else, too many scandals make it hard to focus on anyone.
Sorry, President Trump. Here’s why American Jews aren’t abandoning the Democratic Party. Michael Tesler - March 21, 2019 These three factors mean a “Jexodus” is unlikely any time soon.
Panel of forecasters and handicappers to discuss the midterm elections. Today! John Sides - August 30, 2014 [caption id="attachment_15053" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Will Mary Landrieu win? Come find
Why Republicans can be even more optimistic about taking the Senate John Sides - March 31, 2014 [caption id="attachment_6481" align="aligncenter" width="620" special=""] (Michael Hicks/via Flickr)[/caption] Democrats' prospects
Why It Matters that Obama’s Approval Rating Is Falling John Sides - June 18, 2013 Despite ridiculous hype about a recent CNN poll that showed
Forecasting House Elections: Democrats Gain 1 Additional Seat Eric McGhee - September 17, 2012 As John suggested in his post this morning, he and
Obama’s Better-than-Expected Popularity: Revisions and Extensions John Sides - May 9, 2012 I have a post at 538 updating my earlier analysis
Media Bias, Political Science, and the Tea Party John Sides - September 12, 2011 Washington Times, Sept. 4: bq. Academics Dub Tea Partyers Devout,
David Brooks and Money in Elections John Sides - October 20, 2010 Josh is "impressed": with David Brooks for "this": bq. Political
Do Deficits Matter for Midterm Elections? John Sides - July 12, 2010 Ezra Klein writes yesterday about the effects of deficits and