New contributors are joining The Monkey Cage John Sides - April 17, 2014 [caption id="attachment_9534" align="aligncenter" width="640" special=""] (Jason Lam/Creative Commons)[/caption] We're pleased
The midterm penalty is hurting Democrats in the Senate too Eric McGhee - April 2, 2014 [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] A group of visitors walks
Are voters in an anti-incumbent mood? Don't count on it. John Sides - February 4, 2014 This is a guest post by political scientist Eric McGhee,
Are voters in an anti-incumbent mood? Don’t count on it. - February 4, 2014 This is a guest post by political scientist Eric McGhee,
There is no wave coming in the 2014 election John Sides - December 4, 2013 [caption id="attachment_3720" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] (Susan Walsh/AP)[/caption] Prognostications about the
What If the Great Gerrymander of 2012 Wasn’t So Great? John Sides - February 17, 2013 That's the question Eric McGhee and I address at Wonkblog
Coming Soon: Congressional Election Forecasts John Sides - September 17, 2012 With all the forecasts of the presidential election -- e.g.,
California’s Redistricting Experiment John Sides - January 31, 2012 This is a guest post from previous guest contributor Eric
Boston Review Piece on 2010 John Sides - November 11, 2010 Eric McGhee, Brendan Nyhan, and I melded our respective blogging
Guest-blogger Eric McGhee John Sides - November 2, 2010 We welcome guest-blogger "Eric McGhee": to The Monkey Cage for
New Research on Primary Elections John Sides - September 22, 2010 "The first paper": is from Eric McGhee, Seth Masket, Boris
More on the Top-Two Primary John Sides - March 25, 2010 Eric McGhee, the author of the PPIC report I discussed