Why Russia may be taking Ukrainian children Svitlana Chernykh and Francesca Lessa - June 13, 2022 The research on similar tactics in Spain and Latin America helps explain Putin’s logic
Latin American countries had very different covid-19 death rates. Which policies worked? Matias Bianchi and Jennifer Cyr - January 24, 2022 Collaboration helped forge more effective government responses, our research found
Argentina legalized abortion. Here’s what it means for Latin America. Taylor Boas, Mason Moseley, Mariela Daby, and Amy Erica Smith - January 17, 2021 Abortion rights advocates focused on public health consequences for women in poverty.
The movement against coronavirus lockdowns is still going — and still angry. Rachel Meade - August 6, 2020 This isn’t an astroturf movement. These populists deeply distrust elites for leaving them behind.
Argentina is on the verge of defaulting on its debt again. Here’s what you need to know. Stephen C. Nelson and David Steinberg - May 28, 2020 The government’s supporters are likely to blame international creditors if there’s no deal.
Argentina is about to debate legalizing abortion — despite being a very Catholic country Mason Moseley and Mariela Daby - March 6, 2020 Since 2015, a mass feminist movement has changed the national discussion.
Latin American democracy may be in trouble. The protests are a symptom of increasing mistrust. Dinorah Azpuru - December 8, 2019 Citizens are unhappy both with their own representatives and with democracy in general.
Why did Zelensky want a White House visit? Here’s what it signals at home. Matt Malis - November 21, 2019 U.S. presidents also have a lot to gain from these face-to-face meetings.
Argentina just reinstated foreign currency restrictions. Here’s what you need to know. Stephen C. Nelson and David Steinberg - September 5, 2019 Austerity is never popular with voters.
Dystopian fiction makes people more willing to justify political violence. Should you worry? Celia Paris and Calvert Jones - January 12, 2019 [caption id="attachment_82415" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Pro-abortion activists in favor of decriminalizing