Congress is struggling to raise the nation’s debt cap. Here’s what you need to know. Sarah Binder - October 5, 2021 Debt ceiling drama isn’t new — but this time it is a bit different
The Pentagon is moving money to pay for Trump’s border wall. Here are the consequences. Alice Friend - September 5, 2019 This politicizes the military even more. It also has constitutional problems.
There might not be a government shutdown this year. This is big news. Peter Hanson and Molly Reynolds - September 19, 2018 [caption id="attachment_77888" align="aligncenter" width="960"] The U.S. Capitol at sunrise in
Congress just averted a government shutdown — but maybe not for long John Sides - December 8, 2017 Once again, a government shutdown is conceivable. This occasioned some
This is why John Boehner’s resignation might not matter much at all Sarah Binder - September 25, 2015 The surprise news that Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will resign
This is why some Republicans keep threatening to take the government hostage Sarah Binder - September 16, 2015 Asked in the aftermath of the October 2013 government shutdown
How today’s budget woes owe their debt to the financing of recent wars Erik Voeten - December 4, 2013 This is a guest post by Gustavo Flores-Macías (Assistant Professor of