Good to Know: U.S. war powers Andrew Rudalevige - February 22, 2024 Does the president or Congress have the power to go to war?
Good to Know: Impeachment Andrew Rudalevige - January 13, 2024 With House Republicans holding an impeachment inquiry against Pres. Biden, here's what to know about this constitutional tool.
Why Democrats won’t outmaneuver Tommy Tuberville Sarah Binder - September 20, 2023 There are risks to changing Senate rules.
Why the president can’t just fire bureaucrats Andrew Rudalevige - September 20, 2023 The "unitary executive theory" has its limits
These 3 graphs explain why more House Republicans did not support impeachment Michael Tesler - January 13, 2021 Popularity of Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell has nosedived among Republicans since they certified Joe Biden’s victory
Does Trump need Congress’s approval to go to war with Iran? Andrew Rudalevige - January 4, 2020 That depends on whether Congress wants to try to stop him.
The Japan-South Korea dispute isn’t just about the past Jennifer Lind - August 29, 2019 The roots of the current falling-out lie in the politics of the present.
No, a downed drone does not give Trump the authority to start a war. He still needs congressional authorization. Andrew Rudalevige - June 22, 2019 Two articles of the Constitution and two statutes offer guidance.
How did an annual report to Congress become the State of the Union address, a formal state occasion? We discuss. Andrew Rudalevige and Sarah Binder - February 5, 2019 Andrew Rudalevige: It’s State of the Union time! Where — “from
What did the Founders have in mind for the presidency? Here’s what you need to know. Andrew Rudalevige - July 18, 2017 [caption id="attachment_61065" align="aligncenter" width="960"] President Trump, with first lady Melania Trump,