States are still trying to ban trans youths from sports. Here’s what you need to know. Elizabeth Sharrow, Jaime Schultz, Lindsay Parks Pieper, Anna Baeth, and Danne Diamond - April 10, 2024 State legislators have proposed dozens of bills targeting trans children. What’s at stake?
This Virginia case pits trans kids’ rights against religious freedom Zein Murib - December 19, 2023 It’s another volley in the religious right’s effort to stop LGBTQ advances, with similar lawsuits underway in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio.
The misleading narrative behind the attack on public schools Zein Murib - September 20, 2023 A bit of history reveals the long-term forces at work.
The Supreme Court is taking suspect science seriously. Conservative groups have worked for years for that. Joshua C. Wilson and Alison Gash - December 14, 2021 Various organizations fight science by peddling doubt and discord on topics such as climate change, covid-19 and abortion
Biden reversed Trump ban on transgender people serving in military. Expect backlash in states. Zein Murib - February 2, 2021 More than 20 bills restricting transgender freedoms have already been introduced.
The Supreme Court closed the door on LGBTQ employment discrimination. But it opened a window. Amanda Hollis-Brusky - June 16, 2020 How big will the religious exemption be? Stay tuned.
A new kind of anti-trans legislation is hitting the red states Zein Murib - February 25, 2020 Here’s the new target, after ‘bathroom bills’ failed and marriage equality won
Conservative legal groups are suing public school yoga and mindfulness programs. This explains why. Candy Gunther Brown - July 9, 2019 If not everyone thinks they’re secular, what does that mean for the separation of church and state?
These are the conservative legal groups behind the Masterpiece Cakeshop case Henry Farrell - December 5, 2017 The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments Tuesday in Masterpiece Cakeshop v.
The anti-abortion movement has changed. Here's what that means for abortion clinics. John Sides - January 16, 2014 [caption id="attachment_5387" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] Eleanor McCullen, standing by the