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You Can Draw Ohio’s Congressional Districts

- April 8, 2009

bq. Any person can sign up, free of charge, to take part in the Ohio Redistricting Competition. Participants will receive training on ArcGIS and the redistricting add-on, as well as free web access to the software. Participants will redraw the 2001 district maps for Ohio’s delegates to the US Congress, with the submitted maps scored based on an objective formula for compactness, competitiveness, preservation of communities and representational fairness. The winning districts maps will be announced in early May.

Here’s the website (hat tip to Doug Hess). Unfortunately, your districts may not actually become law:

bq. The goal of the Ohio Redistricting Competition is to demonstrate that an open process based on objective criteria can produce fair legislative districts in Ohio.

Related: For a little counterintuition, here is Justin Buchler’s article on the case against competitive congressional districts.

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