Good professional sports teams…
…according to this analysis by the Toronto Star.The Star gave points for winning percentages and playoff appearances in football, basketball, baseball, and hockey since 2000 to cities that had at least two major franchises.
Some comments:
(1) Both the CFL and NFL are included in the rankings.
(2) I don’t follow either the CFL or NHL. Vancouver must have had some powerhouses in those leagues.
(3) Sorry Beantowners. You’ve been overshadowed by a boring place in the Flyover Zone.
(4) The rest of the world relishes seeing the high-spending New York teams mired in twelfth place.
(5) The old saw about Washington (“First in war, first in peace, and last in the American League”) needs updating to “…Last in the National League, last in the NBA, Awful in the NFL, Grateful for Alex Ovechkin, and Not So Hot in War or Peace, Either.” The new century has not been kind to the nation’s capital.