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Valuable New Dataset of Constituency Level Election Results

- August 23, 2013

Anyone who has ever tried to gather constituency level election-data cross-nationally should be very pleased by the following announcement I received earlier this week:

American University’s School of Public Affairs is pleased to announce the launch of Election Passport, a new online resource providing free access to a rich dataset of constituency election results from over 80 countries around the world.

The goal of Election Passport is to enable researchers and students to engage in high-level analysis of elections on countries for which data are not easily available. From Andorra to Zambia, this site provides unusually complete data sets that include votes won by very small parties, independents, and frequently, candidate names that are difficult to locate. As an ongoing project, additional elections will be regularly added.

Election Passport was developed by David Lublin, Professor of Government in the School of Public Affairs at American University, with the support of AU’s Center for Latin American and Latino Studies and the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.

We hope that you will find this to be a valuable resource and encourage you to share this announcement with your colleagues. Please contact David Lublin at dlublin@american.edu or (202) 885-2913 should you have any questions.

If you have tried the dataset already, please feel free to leave any observations in the comments below. Should be valuable for scholars and policy makers alike!