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This is not a dog posting

- May 23, 2009

Although “The Monkey Cage” is mainly a serious, even somber, political science blog, to the discomfiture of my fellow bloggers I sometimes try to lighten it up by posting about such frivolities as baseball, cake, cats, and dogs. In an attempt to protect the much-desired high tone of our collective enterprise, I have gone on the wagon with regard to cake, cat, and dog postings (though not baseball ones, for I recognize that baseball and political science are intrinsically intertwined). Let me make it perfectly clear, then, that this is not a dog posting. Rather, it is an orangutan posting, and orangutans are always welcome in “The Monkey Cage.” Just look up at the left corner of our masthead and you’ll see for yourself that I’m right.

Anyway, here is yet another in my long series of non-dog postings.