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Soaps, sherry, and the shutdown

- October 11, 2013

Google searches for “soap,” and “sherry” in Washington D.C. in 2012 (red) and 2013 (blue) (click on images to go to Google Trends search).

Google searches for "soap" in the D.C. area. Blue line 2013, Red is 2012.

Google searches for “soap” in the D.C. area. Blue line 2013, Red is 2012.

Google searches for "sherry" in the DC area. Blue line 2013, Red is 2012.

Google searches for “sherry” in the DC area. Blue line 2013, Red is 2012.

Lest you think people are enjoying their leisurely government jobs, below are searches for “private” and “jobs.”
Google searches for job (red is 2012, blue is 2013).

Google searches for job (red is 2012, blue is 2013).Google searches for "private" (red is 2012, blue is 2013) Google searches for “private” (red is 2012, blue is 2013) 


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