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Research and Politics open for submissions

- November 7, 2013

I am delighted to announce that Research and Politics (R&P) is now officially open for submissions. R&P is a new open access peer reviewed political science journal that aims to publish high quality work quickly. We focus on short (4,000 word) articles that are easily accessible but that are also methodologically rigorous. (There is ample space for tables and other material in appendices). The journal is published by Sage and I am one of the general editors together with Catherine de Vries (Oxford) and Bernard Steunenberg (Leiden). We expect to start publishing articles in early 2014. For more background, see  here. For a similar initiative in Sociology, see here.
We are working hard to turn this into an innovative and high quality journal. For example, together with Sage we are developing a Web site that will be capable of hosting animations and data visualizations in a way that most other journals cannot. We are open to various types of articles that we believe are extremely valuable but often difficult to publish in traditional journals, including null results, predictions, updates of classic articles with new data, replications, analyses of the policy implications of empirical or theoretical research, etcetera.
There are a number of other things related to this enterprise that I hope to report on in the not too distant future (as well as some general thoughts about open access publishing). For now, I simply want to invite you to submit your best and most creative work to our online submission system. There are no fees in the first two years! We promise a quick but rigorous review process utilizing our extensive team of associate editors and quick publication after acceptance.