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- March 5, 2009

via Arthur Goldhammer, a “new blog”:http://politbistro.hypotheses.org/ (in French), on political science and France. I am aware of a couple of previous efforts to get something like this up and running, but this may be the one that succeeds. It is nicely put together, very well designed and with a good mixture of political science and current affairs commentary in the posts that have been published to date. This post on “Nicholas Sarkozy and presidential style”:http://politbistro.hypotheses.org/107 is a nice example, drawing on findings from both US and French political science. Perhaps at some point they might like to take a go at Roger Cohen’s “Very Serious Discussion of the Frenchification of US Politics”:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/05/opinion/05Cohen.html?ref=opinion (if they do, I promise to translate the major points for a US audience.