Policy Makers & Businesses Need Reliable Information and Data: The Impact of Falling Response Rates to Social Surveys and What Can Be Done. Sponsored by Senator Jay Rockefeller and Congressmen Chaka Fattah and Charles Dent. Friday, April 26, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, Capitol Visitors Center room SVC 209-08
Organized by AAPSS in collaboration with the Annie E Casey Foundation, the Russell Sage foundation, Sage publications and the NRC’s Committee on National Statistics, the briefing will review the state of survey research and its role in the federal statistical system, assess the nonresponse challenge and discuss alternate approaches for providing more reliable data at less cost.
Douglas Massey, President of the AAPSS and Roger Tourangeau, Vice President of Westat, will provide a review of the state of survey research nationally and the nonresponse threat to survey validity. Then a panel of experts will discuss the implications of their presentation for federal, state and local policy and for business development. The panel includes Kenneth Prewitt, former director of the U.S. Census Bureau, Paul Emrath, National Association of Home Builders and David McMillen, formerly of the Census Bureau. Discussion will be moderated by Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page.
More information here. And here is a report by the American Academy of Political and Social Science: The Nonresponse Challenge to Surveys and Statistics.