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Graeme Robertson on the politics of dictatorship

- April 28, 2011

Live at “Foreign Policy”:http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/04/25/think_again_dictators. It’s a nice _tour de horizon_ of the academic literature. It is also interesting sociologically in that it cites the Xavier Marquez “theory of authoritarian personality cults”:https://themonkeycage.org/2011/03/authoritarian_personality_cult.html, which appears to have gone from blogpost to quotable academic argument, without the usual intervening stage of academic publication. Marquez has suggested on his Google Reader feed that he now feels inclined to see if there is a publication in it. As the political science blogosphere becomes better established, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this happening more – scholars tossing out semi-developed ideas to see if they survive public dissection, and then proceeding to publish or to discard, depending on the results. Also, it is perhaps worth noting that _Foreign Policy_ apparently discovered Graeme’s work (and hence solicited him to write this) through _The Monkey Cage._

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