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Collaboration with Journals and Presses to Highlight Recently Published Research Along with Ungated Links to Articles

- May 24, 2013

In line with both the mission statement of this blog and recent discussions about the continuing need to highlight to those outside the academy the importance of political science research, we are in the process of trying to offer a new service here at The Monkey Cage. The goal is to have posts from authors whose research is featured in just released issues of political science journals provide a short guest post highlighting the research in conjunction with an agreement from the press to make that article available ungated for a specified period of time. This will be similar to what I have done in the past with some of the section newsletters, but now will feature research articles from journals. And we have gotten journals in the past to ungate articles in conjunction with posts on The Monkey Cage (and will continue to do so), but the hope is that this new set up will help regularize process and make a bit less ad hoc.

This means that if you are a reader of the Monkey Cage and lack institutional access to political science journals, The Monkey Cage will now be a way to access some very recent journal publications. Moreover, our hope is that the guest posts will be written in a way that will quickly make it apparent whether the full article would be of interest to you. I will write more when I have details on which journals are participating, but I wanted to just make this brief announcement now because I will momentarily be posting the first article under this arrangement. Please be aware that the articles will be only ungated for a limited time, so this access will work better if you read the post in real-time as opposed to searching for them later, although I will use the category “Journal Collaboration” to tag these posts.

For authors who are requested by journal editors to participate in this program, I strongly urge you to consider doing so. It is a great chance to get publicity for your research, and also an opportunity to contribute to a public good of helping to create more links between published political science research and the wider community of journalists, policy makers, private sector actors, politicians, etc. who may be interested in the work that we have put so much effort into producing.