So a quick addendum to some earlier discussions about the role The Monkey Cage can play in the future in terms of providing news about events and developments in the discipline. For now, we are being encouraged to continue doing this, which is kind of turn-about from what we originally reported. So for those of you who lamented the loss of this feature at The Monkey Cage, hopefully this will be a welcome development. We’ll have to feel our way through it, but for now you can still expect to be able to see some of these announcements and discussion at The Monkey Cage after our move to the Post.
Still, I wanted to issue one of my occasional calls for contributors to our Election Reports series before the move. The goal of this series is to give social scientists with an indepth knowledge of particular elections a chance to write something about those elections that is more than just a quote in a newspaper article but appears more quickly than the 1-3 years it often takes for an academic article to be published. The larger goal was to try to train journalists to know that they could come to The Monkey Cage in the immediate aftermath of elections for research-informed commentary on elections. My other hope was that these reports could serve as a good source of information for people trying to code recent elections as part of more broadly comparative work (or simply to quickly bring themselves up to date on the politics in a country about which they did not already know much).
By now we’ve had quite a lot of reports appear in the series, and I’ve been very pleased with the overall quality. However, this whole enterprise depends on people volunteering to write these reports (although we now also have a nice pipeline from people writing “Notes on Recent Elections” at Electoral Studies). So with that in mind, here’s a list of upcoming elections through the end of the year. If you are interested in writing a report on any of these, please drop me a line directly at joshua dot tucker at nyu dot edu:
- Rwanda Parliamentary September 16, 2013
- Germany Parliamentary September 22, 2013
- Switzerland Referendum September 22, 2013
- Guinea Legislative September 24, 2013
- Austria Legislative September 29, 2013
- Cameroon Legislative September 30, 2013
- Ireland Referendum October 4, 2013
- Ethiopia Presidential October 8, 2013
- Azerbaijan Presidential October 9, 2013
- Yemen Referendum October 15, 2013
- Luxembourg Parliamentary (Moved up) October 20, 2013
- Madagascar Presidential First Round (Tentative) October 25, 2013
- Czech Republic Parliamentary October 25, 2013
- Georgia Presidential October 27, 2013
- Argentina Legislative October 27, 2013
- Tajikistan Presidential November 6, 2013
- Chile Presidential First Round November 17, 2013
- Chile Legislative November 17, 2013
- Nepal Legislative (Tentative) November 19, 2013
- Mauritania Parliamentary First Round November 23, 2013
- Honduras Presidential November 24, 2013
- Honduras Legislative November 24, 2013
- Switzerland Referendum November 24, 2013
- Mauritania Parliamentary Second Round December 7, 2013
- Chile Presidential Second Round December 15, 2013
- Turkmenistan Parliamentary December 15, 2013
- Madagascar Presidential Second Round (Tentative) December 20, 2013
- Madagascar Parliamentary (Tentative) December 20, 2013