Real Time St. Patrick’s Day alerts from Tweets in Manhattan; click on image to go to the website
A new way to harness the power of social media – from my colleagues at the NYU SMaPP lab:
Living in NYC during St. Patrick’s day is a bit of a hassle. To help New Yorkers navigate the day, the NYU SMaPP lab has made a real time map of social media mentions (geotagged in the five boroughs) that are “healthy” celebrations (green shamrocks) or mentions of drinking (red shamrocks). Warning: red shamrocks also include mentions of bodily functions that sometimes result when you drink too much. (We are working to remove the confounding social media mentions of spring break, but otherwise current version is working well now.) One way to play the game: avoid the red shamrocks when you go out tonight. Good luck everyone! Another way to play the game is to keep twitter in the loop as you enjoy the holiday tonight. Either way — use the map or be on the map — there are lots of ways to play. Happy St. Patrick’s day everyone!
The image at the start of the post is a screen shot, but if you click on it (or here), you can see the map update in real time. Click on the shamrocks to see the tweets.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from The Monkey Cage!