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Time for some traffic problems in Fort Peep

- March 18, 2014

The George Washington Bridge toll booths are pictured in Fort Lee, New Jersey January 9, 2014.  REUTERS/Carlo Allegri
Investigation continues into Governor Chris Christie’s (R-NJ) involvement in the September lane closures at the George Washington Bridge, a move that turned the toll plaza and streets of Fort Lee, New Jersey, into a parking lot.  Faithful readers of the Monkey Cage know where this is headed: straight down the corridors of The Washington Post to the 2014 Peeps Contest!  Traffic drum roll please for my annual mom-daughter entry into the Peeps Contest:

Time for some traffic problems in Fort Peep!  The Peep Authority has opened many of the EZ-Peep lanes this morning, but dozens of commuter Peeps are gridlocked at the GW Bridge.  Why? Governor Peep Christie (taking a sneak peep from atop the Fort Peep toll plaza) has been out early this morning “working the cones.”  No Peep escapes Christie’s wrath: even the New Jersey Rabbi(t) is stuck in a sea of marshmallows.

Poor peeple: all dressed up and nowhere to go!

Credit: Mica Maltzman
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‘Til next year…

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