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Forum Issue Devoted to Intersection of Politics and Political Science

- October 14, 2010

_The Forum_, an online journal from the Berkeley Electronic Press, has just released a new issue that may be of interest to readers of this blog on the intersection between “politics and political science”:http://www.bepress.com/forum/announce/20101014/, featuring “an article”:http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol8/iss3/art10/ by our own John Sides and Henry Farrell (as well as one by my NYU colleague “Rogan Kersh”:http://www.bepress.com/forum/vol8/iss3/art9/). Here is the description of “the issue”:http://www.bepress.com/forum/announce/20101014/ from the editors:

bq. This issue of The Forum pays special attention to the theme of “Political Science and Practical Politics”. John Petrocik and Frederick Steeper reveal what practitioners know that political scientists do not. The tension between politics and political science as lived by those who practice them is addressed by Burdette Loomis on the private lives of politicians and by Jennifer Murtazashvili on the conscious disconnect between academic and military life. Jeffrey Biggs talks about congressional fellows who have ‘gone practical’ as a result of their experience; Rhodes Cook offers an autobiographical view of attending to political science but not living inside it; and Kenneth Mayer visits the tensions from living on both sides of the line as an expert witness. Seth Masket laments the electoral barriers, and Jacob Hacker the institutional barriers, that lead to disconnection, while Rogan Kersh notes the very practical tensions in jumping those barriers. Henry Farrell and John Sides salute blogging as a way to reconnect, while Matthew Grossman offers an array of programmatic means to do so. Hans Noel closes the circle by noting the things that political scientists know but practitioners do not. There is also a mid-term election coming, so Steven Schier traces the fortunes of the Obama Administration to date, while Carl Klarner projects outcomes in Congress and in the states, with a special eye on the next round of congressional redistricting. Three reviews complete this issue of The Forum, with Andrei Markovits on Peter Baldwin, The Narcissism of Minor Differences: How America and Europe Are Alike; David Mayhew on William Claggett and Byron Shafer, The American Public Mind: the Issue Structure of Mass Politics in the Postwar United States, and Sheldon Pollack on Brian Balogh, A Government Out of Sight: The Mystery of National Authority in Nineteenth-Century America.

Ungated links to all articles are “available here”:http://www.bepress.com/forum/announce/20101014/.