What retired Republican members of Congress really think Sarah Binder and Alexander Theodoridis - December 13, 2023 Their attitudes are surprisingly different from those of Republican voters and from current Republican lawmakers’ positions.
The Supreme Court’s EPA decision could undo almost every major federal law Pamela Clouser McCann and Charles R. Shipan / Managing Editor - October 29, 2021 Gorsuch invoked the arcane doctrine of ‘nondelegation,’ which would make most of government unconstitutional
Why Joe Manchin is such a problem for his party Sarah Binder - June 10, 2021 It's not easy being blue in a red state
Congress and Trump have produced four emergency pandemic bills. Don’t expect a fifth anytime soon. Sarah Binder / Managing Editor - April 26, 2020 Here are four takeaways from Congress’s latest effort to respond to the coronavirus.
Mitt Romney changed the impeachment story, all by himself. Here are 3 reasons that matters. Sarah Binder - February 5, 2020 That’s unusual for a lone politician in our partisan era.
What have we learned from the impeachment trial so far? Matt Glassman - January 27, 2020 Three takeaways — including the big surprise yet to come
People love to hate Congress. This new book reminds us why we should treasure it. - April 29, 2017 [caption id="attachment_57526" align="aligncenter" width="960"] The Capitol dome is illuminated before
Two factors help a president get a lot done in 100 days. Trump has only one. David Mayhew - April 28, 2017 http://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/the-first-100-days/2017/04/27/84533bc2-2b48-11e7-9081-f5405f56d3e4_video.html In early 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt launched the now-famous
Republican leaders in Congress want to move fast. That’s risky. Jonathan Lewallen - January 24, 2017 [caption id="attachment_52909" align="aligncenter" width="960"] President Trump greets House Speaker Paul
These are the House Republicans who have abandoned Donald Trump Sarah Binder - October 10, 2016 The revelation of Donald Trump's three-minute, decade-old video in which he bragged