Why the president can’t just fire bureaucrats Andrew Rudalevige - September 20, 2023 The "unitary executive theory" has its limits
Democratic and Republican administrations have long agreed on one thing — discriminating against Haitian refugees Niambi M. Carter - September 23, 2021 The U.S. special envoy resigned to protest the deportations.
No, Trump is not attempting a ‘coup.’ Here’s why the distinction matters. Erica De Bruin - November 11, 2020 It’s important that we describe the crisis accurately. That will shape our response.
Republican elites are playing with fire. Here’s what nuclear strategists would tell them. Henry Farrell and Elizabeth N. Saunders - November 10, 2020 Even those who don’t take Trump’s assault on democracy seriously are dancing on the edge of political Armageddon
New survey: Yes, Americans will give up liberties to fight the coronavirus Rebecca Sanders and Jack Mewhirter - September 28, 2020 The pandemic raises trade-offs between individual freedom and public safety
Republicans’ Supreme Court gambit may backfire. Here’s how. Robinson Woodward-Burns - September 23, 2020 Democrats can play constitutional hardball, too
Trump fired a federal prosecutor investigating his allies. Can he do that? Anne Joseph O’Connell - June 24, 2020 Here’s what you need to know about this Friday night massacre — and why it matters
Right-wing websites are demonizing ‘antifa.’ Here’s how they portray the threat. Curd Knüpfer - June 24, 2020 My research found that 27 right-wing websites were strikingly in sync in creating the impression of a menacing, indistinct threat
Barr says there’s no systemic racism in policing. Our data says the attorney general is wrong. Emma Pierson - June 19, 2020 We analyzed data from nearly 100 million police stops from 2011 to 2018
The pandemic challenges democracies — but really hurts dictators Michael Albertus - April 30, 2020 Here’s how the economic fallout may fray domestic political alliances