The foreign policy issues that U.S. voters seem likely to prioritize Alexandra Guisinger and Anna Rowland - August 27, 2024 Two new surveys show the U.S. public and academics see the world quite differently.
Military service was once a fast track to U.S. citizenship. The Trump administration keeps narrowing that possibility. Theresa Schroeder, Rebecca Best, Kyleanne Hunter, and Jeremy Teigen - September 5, 2019 And that’s hurting military readiness and effectiveness.
An unprecedented number of female military veterans ran as Democrats this year. Here’s why they were unusually successful. Rebecca Best and Jeremy Teigen - November 14, 2018 [caption id="attachment_80190" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Democrat Elaine Luria, a former Navy
The surprise Mueller indictment tells us how we’ve been wrong about Russian trolls Henry Farrell - February 16, 2018 [caption id="attachment_69343" align="aligncenter" width="960"] The silhouette of Robert S. Mueller
Live Streaming of Post-Election Conference Joshua Tucker - November 15, 2012 Tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday I will be participating in a
More Evidence Regarding Importance of Economic Fundamentals in 2012 US Presidential Election Joshua Tucker - November 15, 2012 In the October issue of the journal PS: Political Science
“Nowcasting” the 2012 US Presidential Elections Joshua Tucker - December 15, 2011 We are pleased to welcome professors Charles Tien of Hunter
Polly the parrot is back for forecasting the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election Andrew Gelman - July 26, 2011 Andreas Graefe writes: After her great success in 2004 and