The Trump administration is curtailing visas for Chinese scientists. That could backfire. Caroline S. Wagner - June 26, 2020 Excluding foreign researchers and students hurts U.S. innovation — and coronavirus collaboration
We know that evidence-based medicine works. So why don’t politicians support it? Henry Farrell - October 3, 2017 Eric M. Patashnik, Alan S. Gerber and Conor M. Dowling's
Can greater transparency lead to better social science? Tom Pepinsky, Mike Findley, Nathan Jensen, and Edmund Malesky - September 24, 2014 [caption id="attachment_16088" align="alignnone" width="620"] Anne Saulnier watches as her husband,
Pundits panicking about Ebola hurt cause they mean to help Kim Yi Dionne and Adia Benton - September 1, 2014 [caption id="attachment_15071" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Laurie Garrett, former journalist and current
Ethical Challenges of Embedded Experimentation Joshua Tucker - October 26, 2011 Continuing our series of articles from the American Political Science
Hierarchical submission policies at academic journals Andrew Gelman - April 22, 2010 Erik describes a new plan in which rejected submissions to