It’s been a great nine years for TMC political science analysis Kim Yi Dionne, John Sides, and Henry Farrell - December 31, 2022 We’ve published thousands of articles. Here are some of our editors’ favorites.
Turbulent confirmation hearings don’t change how Americans view the Supreme Court Jean Schroedel and Christopher N. Krewson - October 1, 2020 Our surveys also find that public opinion toward the court is divided by race and gender
Why Trump’s alleged comments about soldiers brought so much outrage Lauren Prather and Danielle Gilbert - September 11, 2020 This study examines who Americans think deserves government support.
How do Americans react when warned that other countries are meddling in U.S. elections? Sarah Bush and Lauren Prather - August 20, 2020 And who do they think it’s helping?
Israel is about to reveal its West Bank annexation plans. How will Congress respond? Shibley Telhami / Managing Editor - June 21, 2020 Our new poll finds Americans are open to questioning the Israeli-U.S. relationship.
Sanders and Trump supporters have this quality in common. So do other populist voters. Matthijs Rooduijn, Gijs Schumacher, and Bert N. Bakker - February 21, 2020 Here’s a trait you may not have heard of before
This recent poll shows how Americans think about the war in Afghanistan Shibley Telhami and Connor Kopchick - January 3, 2020 The Afghanistan Papers showed how the U.S. government misled the public. Will that change minds?
When a World Series crowd booed Trump, some cringed – and some celebrated. That’s not just partisanship. Emily Sydnor - October 31, 2019 Some people run toward conflict. Some run away.
How fears of ‘mainlandization’ fuel Hong Kong’s mass protests Nathan Chan, Lev Nachman, and Chit Wai John Mok - July 2, 2019 The city turns out to protest when China attempts to exert influence.
What’s behind the desire for ‘skilled’ immigrants? Racial prejudice. Neil Malhotra and Benjamin Newman - May 21, 2019 New research shows that the preference for “skills” conceals bias against Latinos.