The secret truths of election forecasting John Sides - September 22, 2014 In case you missed it, election forecasting can be fractious.
The Media Pounds the President: Does it Matter? Andrew Rudalevige - September 12, 2013 President Obama's speech on Syria has received mostly harsh grades
The Forecasts and The Outcome John Sides - November 3, 2010 [UPDATE, 4:11 pm: Mark Blumenthal of Pollster notified me via
The Declining Value of Rating Elections John Sides - October 11, 2010 bq. It's to Charlie Cook's credit that he's been able
More on Forecasting (and Reacting to) 2010 Joshua Tucker - October 4, 2010 Last week "Andy mentioned": that my colleague Sandy Gordon's new
Demography Is Not King, or Why David Brooks Is a Hedgehog, Not a Fox John Sides - May 6, 2008 In this recent piece, David Brooks sees a nation divided: