Is Christian nationalism growing or declining? Both. Samuel Perry and Andrew Whitehead - October 24, 2022 Fewer Americans subscribe to the ideology, but it’s growing in influence among Republicans, including rank-and-file and in public office
The new Supreme Court doctrine against religious discrimination Andrew Lewis - July 6, 2022 Conservative justices favor religious liberty over the separation of church and state.
The pope said he supports civil unions for same-sex couples. American Catholics will approve. Ryan Burge - October 22, 2020 Even Republican Catholics have a favorable view of lesbians and gay men.
White evangelicals fear atheists and Democrats would strip away their rights. Why? Paul Djupe - December 23, 2019 Right-wing media is warning of a civil war — and urging evangelicals to stock up on guns
Why young white evangelicals aren’t likely to leave the Republican Party Ryan Burge, Paul Djupe, and Jeremiah J. Castle - September 3, 2019 Maybe they don’t like Trump. But that’s not what counts.
Regular churchgoing doesn’t make Trump voters more moderate. It makes them more enthusiastic for Trump. Paul Djupe and Ryan Burge - October 9, 2018 Why do so many churchgoers support President Trump even though