Despite the 2020 election results, you can still trust polling. Mostly. Robert Shapiro - December 2, 2020 Yes, there’s a problem with pre-election polling. But mass opinion polls don’t have that problem.
Why can’t the Senate repeal Obamacare? Because its policies are actually popular. Robert Shapiro and Greg Shaw - July 19, 2017 After seven years of promising to repeal Obamacare, Republicans
Is it crazy for Michael Bloomberg to run for president? Maybe not. Robert Shapiro - January 23, 2016 [caption id="attachment_34718" align="aligncenter" width="908"] (REUTERS/Stephane Mahe)[/caption] Today's report that former
Can young voters break the cycle of polarization? - January 20, 2014 Robert Y. Shapiro is a professor of political science at
American Politics in Two Numbers Larry Bartels - April 16, 2012 Projected decline in total federal spending (relative to GDP), 2011-2023,
What Do Political Polls Really Accomplish? John Sides - December 23, 2011 This is a guest post from Lawrence Jacobs, who is
Should We Get Rid of Polls? John Sides - July 14, 2009 In graduate school, one of my advisors gave a presentation