Did Biden have the authority to bomb Houthi targets in Yemen? Andrew Rudalevige - January 30, 2024 Let’s look at the Constitution, the War Powers Resolution, and what might authorize or constrain military action.
Good to Know: The spiral vs. deterrence model in international relations Stacie Goddard - January 29, 2024 Will Iran’s strike and Israel’s retaliation lead to war?
Guitar Wolf, ‘Missile Me’: The Week in One Song Christopher Federico - January 12, 2024 The U.S. and allies respond to Houthi militia attacks in the Red Sea.
Why global commerce is now in the crossfire Bruce Jones - January 11, 2024 From the Red Sea to the Baltic and the Pacific, geopolitics are putting global commerce at risk.
Many Ethiopians see illegal migration as the only escape from violence Lauren Carruth and Lahra Smith - July 18, 2022 Governments and asylum systems offer women few protections, our research finds
Will the attack on Iran’s nuclear research facility derail U.S. nuclear talks? Dalia Dassa Kaye - April 13, 2021 The Biden administration will find it difficult to contain Israel and Iran’s escalating tensions.
Saudi-led attacks devastated Yemen’s civilian infrastructure, dramatically worsening the humanitarian crisis Jeannie Sowers and Erika Weinthal - February 21, 2021 New data takes stock of the targeting of agriculture, fisheries, health care, energy and other facilities
International troops are leaving Yemen. Here’s what will help bring peace. Alexandra Stark - December 12, 2019 Here’s how mediation from other countries can end civil wars.
What does the Stockholm agreement mean for Yemen? Peter Salisbury - December 21, 2018 [caption id="attachment_81912" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Mohammed Amdusalem, right, head of the
Egypt’s new political system of one: Its president Ellis Goldberg - August 15, 2018 [caption id="attachment_76809" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Portraits of President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi