Women of color want reproductive justice, not just abortion rights Kimala Price - May 11, 2022 Even with Roe protections in place, marginalized communities were already shut out of a great deal of reproductive-health care.
Abortion rights protests have been peaceful. Will that change? Deana A. Rohlinger - May 10, 2022 Here’s what scholars know about when protesters are more likely to turn confrontational — or even violent.
Why risk for violence in U.S. rises without Roe Rebecca Best - May 9, 2022 The Dobbs decision alone is not likely to push the U.S. into civil conflict. But when you add in other trends, the risk is ticking upward.
You’ve seen the leaked opinion overturning Roe. Here’s what comes next. Julie Novkov - May 3, 2022 Opinions have been leaked before, but this one is different.
The Supreme Court might overturn Roe. It took decades of scorched-earth conservative politics to get here. Joshua C. Wilson and Amanda Hollis-Brusky - December 2, 2021 Upholding Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban could severely damage American belief in the court’s legitimacy.
The Supreme Court just took a case that could kill Roe v. Wade — or let it die slowly Mary Ziegler - May 18, 2021 Can states ban abortion before ‘viability,’ meaning before the fetus could survive outside the womb?
Why even diehard originalists aren’t really originalists Susan Liebell - October 16, 2020 Consider “coverture,” a doctrine older than the Constitution, in which husbands controlled wives.
In some states, coronavirus measures are effectively banning abortion Miranda Yaver - March 30, 2020 Governors and other officials are declaring abortions to be ‘nonessential’ medical procedures
Supreme Court will consider whether states can ‘protect’ women from abortion. What’s behind that argument? Mary Ziegler - March 2, 2020 Louisiana is saying that clinics should have no right to challenge state regulations on the procedure
Will Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski support Trump’s Supreme Court nominee? Here’s what history tells us. Michele Swers - July 6, 2018 [caption id="attachment_75341" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) speaks at